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Freedom of Information

The Freedom of Information Act gives you a right to access information held by public authorities, including South Yorkshire Safety Cameras, with the purpose of making organisations more accountable and transparent.


What is covered?

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 covers recorded information in any form. It covers information rather than data or documents and is fully retrospective.


Our Responsibilities

The Act confers two responsibilities:


  • the duty to confirm or deny whether the information exists

  • the duty to communicate the information


However, the public authority does not have to confirm or deny the existence of the information or provide it if an exemption applies, the request is vexatious or similar to a previous request, or if the cost of compliance exceeds an appropriate limit.


Please see the Information Commissioner’s Office website for further details about the Freedom of Information Act 2000


What to do when making a request

We receive a number of similar requests each year, so we may already have the answer to your question. Check our disclosure log which shows all requests we have disclosed recently. Any requests for information which have already been published will be refused under Section 21 of the Freedom of Information Act, which states - Information Accessible to Applicant by Other Means.


If none of the above applies, please submit an Freedom of Information request


Write to:

South Yorkshire Safety Cameras - Freedom of Information
PO Box 767

S66 6BD


Email us at:


There is a duty under the Freedom of Information Act, for public authorities to provide advice and/or assistance to anyone seeking information (for example, in order to explain what is readily available or to clarify what is required).


For us to deal with your request, you must include your name and address and if possible, a contact telephone number to enable us to contact you clarify any part of your request.


Please note - any requests received by us may be published on this website along with any response sent to you. All personal information will be removed from requests prior to publication.


Responding to requests

We will endeavour to comply with all requests for copies of recorded information made under the Freedom of Information Act, within the stipulated 20 working days, subject to exemptions applying under the Act.

© South Yorkshire Safety Cameras 2021

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