Driver Retraining Courses
A driver retraining course is an alternative to prosecution and may be offered to those committing an offence at the discretion of the Chief Constable. Not every speeding offence will result in an offer. To be considered for a course:
You must admit to being the driver at the time of the offence by completing and returning the Section 172 request which has been sent to you.
You must have not attended the same type of course in the past three years
The speed detected must not exceed:
42mph in a 30mph limit
53mph in a 40mph limit
64mph in a 50mph limit
75mph in a 60mph limit
86mph in a 70mph limit
National Speed Awareness Course
This course may be offered to those motorists who have exceeded the speed limit
National Motorway Awareness Course
This course may be offered to those motorists who have exceeded the variable speed limit on the SMART motorway in South Yorkshire.
What's Driving Us?
This course may be offered to those motorists who have committed certain traffic offences such as failing to comply with red traffic lights.

Further Information
Please follow the links below for further information